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Strip Clubs- Free Limos

Discussion in 'Hookers & Blow' started by TheCanoe, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Doctor Strip Club

    Doctor Strip Club
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Trips to Vegas:
    OG is permanently closed. Their operation moved to Sophia's. In Vegas, you can motorboat--law here allows touching and the good dancers encourage you to touch. The offer to "finger bomb" a single mom is a low class weak promoter illegal offer. That legally qualifies as a sexual act for money aka prostitution. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, BUT only inside a legally licensed brothel and the strip clubs are not legally licensed brothels. Certainly, sex does occur inside the strip clubs. Have fun, but don't trust street people making rude illegal offers; they value your wallet more than anything and will do or say whatever to scam you out of cash..."maybe a ride back." A legit offer always includes a ride back. Reviews and info on all Vegas strip clubs on my site. Disclaimer: I do earn income from the clubs for sending people to them, but I provide honest info and advice rather than spammy shameless plugs.
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  2. Doctor Strip Club

    Doctor Strip Club
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Trips to Vegas:
    Yes, the sushi is awesome....of course you have to get your mind around raw fish in a strip club...
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  3. Doctor Strip Club

    Doctor Strip Club
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Trips to Vegas:
    OG is now permanently closed...their ownership and ops team has relocated to Sophia's. Still the B team, and the lap dances are not any better or any higher contact than the other clubs. The street promoters push Sophia's really hard because it is very close to the center of the strip and because Sophia's pays them $5 more. Better to pick Treasures, Hustler, Rhino, CH3 or Sapphire and get a ride directly from the club or a round trip ride free from a reputable company. This costs less and gets you more than a taxi or the street promoter scams. The ride there and back and entry are free, but they club will ask you to buy 2 drinks at $20 per drink. So $40 out of pocket. You can get a free one way ride from the club, sometimes a ride back, sometimes a cover charge, sometimes a drink minimum...it changes often.

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