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Recap shifter crazy week highlights TR

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by shifter, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. shifter

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    The Chairman
    The Chairman

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Trips to Vegas:
    Just got back from a crazy week in LV.

    In town mostly for business, but also golf and gamble.

    Not going to do a full TR, but here's the cliff notes highlights.

    Booked Wynn for their golf tourney, but didn't stay there, stayed at Skylofts.

    Played at Wynn only first 2 days. Good bacc shoe the first night picked up 10k.

    Rolled dice the second day and rolled twice for 20+ minutes each. Pressing hard as always, picked up another 15k on those roles.

    Won some promos in the golf, lost those quick at bacc and proceeded to lose my entire line as well and dig into a TTO. Tilted and pressed and hit a good run and won it all back. All this happened in a 45 min span.

    This would become a theme.

    Dinner at SW Fri night. Had the A5 Kobe which was awesome. Best Kobe I've ever had and I've had it at many places. First time there will def go back.

    Started playing at MGM on Sat. Decent hit and run at bacc, down early but pressed and ended up another 15 or so. Got a 7k avg for 20 min.

    Sat dinner had an awesome Asian feast at the Mansion dining room. They do Asian food like nowhere else. Whole turbot, spicy shrimp, tenderloin with yuzu teriyaki, kung pao chicken, green beans and young chao fried rice. That fish was the best thing I've ever had. We also got a 2006 magnum of Harlan. Came out to about 5k for the 4 of us with the 4k wine. Incredible meal, we were all talking about it for hours. I carried the bottle of wine around the casino all night and it turned out to be a good luck charm.

    Had a good dice run and picked up a few k. Then went to bacc and was up and down but brought out the magnum and it all turned around. Hit a sweet streak and dig out of the hole and picked up about 15.

    Sun wasn't great at dice. Lost a few k and lost a couple more at UTH. Terrible game.

    Went to bacc, down big early, took another TTO, pressing big got it all back plus a few k.

    Dinner at the Mansion dining room again. Another great feast this time spicy lobster, Kobe tenderloin, more fried rice. And a great bottle of 1989 Chateau Cheval Blanc. I just love anything from St Emilion. Came to about 2.5k for the 2 of us with the 2k wine.

    After dinner more bacc. Got stuck early yet again and had to dig. Another 2 TTOs later I get out of the trap again. Also got a huge avg bet (11k for 2 hours).

    At this point I've got enough theo to cover everything for the entire trip but I'm a degen so I kept playing.

    Mon afternoon lost my entire line again plus TTO. Had to get second TTO. Pressed and got it all back.

    But that wasn't enough for one day so repeated the feat again Mon night. Yes, really.

    Tues was the icing on the cake. Met Tellafriend at the B for drinks then went to Le Cirque for dinner while he took his GF out for her birthday. Great dinner, more Kobe and a great bottle of Grace Family Cab. All their profits go to Tibet so a great way to spend 1k of the casino's money.

    Decided to play bacc at the B after dinner. Got killed and headed back to MGM to try to dig out of the hole once more.

    Back at MGM it was more of the same. Got down the full line there plus 2 TTOs. All in twice with my last chips. The second time I'm on bank, player gets 7 to my 3. Pull a 3 sider, squeeze and squeeze and it's a 6. Lucky as hell.

    Then the shoe shifted and I hit a great run and couldn't lose. I was slamming chocolates left and right, running around the casino with every hand I won jumping on my host who was standing there watching it all. Won it all back plus what I dropped at the B and even came out ahead a few k. And got a 10k avg for an hour.

    Thank God I left town the next day cuz my heart couldn't handle any more of those swings.

    7 times I was a blink away from going bust and got it all back. Really a crazy trip. I hope I never have another one like it.

    Final totals at MGM, 10 hours at 6.5k avg (which includes the smaller craps and UTH that brings that down), 48k theo. 1.5M TCs and $2700 ECs. My biggest play trip ever although 6 nights helped that for sure.

    Also ended up with a nice win and tipped a bunch of people extra.
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