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Just booked my next trip!!!!

Discussion in 'The Strip Hotels & Casinos' started by WhiskeyTango Foxtrot, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. WhiskeyTango Foxtrot

    WhiskeyTango Foxtrot
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    Sorry. Alcohol May Have Been Involved.

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Trips to Vegas:

    I stayed at the Stardust a couple of times back in the 1980s....don't remember much, except Blackjack and LI Iced Teas, lol (drunken Sailor) and, last summer (Labor Day) we spent a week at the Cosmo. Bitten hard by the bug that trip, I have been dreaming about going back ever since!!

    Last night, I booked 5 nights at the Bellagio the 3rd week of January 2017...4.5 months away. I can't wait!!! It'll be another low-roller's paradise!!

    I'd been looking at SWVacations, which had some really decent deals...but, with my SW points, it was cheaper to book directly with the Bellagio for the room. With the "free" airfare for two, I was able to do 5 nights instead of four, and it was $200.00 less than SWV.

    I can't wait!!!

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