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Golden Nugget wont give us numbers..please advise

Discussion in 'Comps' started by RabidRatFink, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. RabidRatFink

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    Apr 4, 2016
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    OK...so me and MamaFink are at the Golden Nugget in Biloxi. I am curious to know what her coin in might have been for our last couple of trips. I know we are low rollers, but i would think there would be some way for us to find this out. Heres some background and whats happened so far...I really appreciate if some of you at the top would take the time to read this and advise me on whether or not i am entitled to this info, and if i am what should i do now...Ill make this as short as i can...

    Couple of trips ago we were mistakenly overcharged for a night...the lady at the desk looked on her computer and told us that based on the slot play she saw we should resolve the situation through a host. She gave us a phone number. This person turned out not to be a real host, but a front desk shift manager. She did take care of us, though, and we have used her for 2 trips now. When we checked in this time i asked her if we could get the report i want...she directed us to Players Services. Players Services told us they could only give us a win / loss statement. I decided i would find a pit boss to ask, and the lady at Players Services thought this was a good idea.

    We sat down to play some Pai Gow, and we had a very attentive, very friendly pit boss who was hanging out at our table. She first told me i should ask Players Services...then she agreed that maybe a slot host could help us and when we were coloring up she pointed out a slot host sitting at a table just inside the hi limit room behind us. We walk over to the table she indicated and met one of the surliest, most disagreeable people I have ever run into in a casino. I told her what i wanted and she asked me "why do you want that information"...I told her i was just curious to see what MamaFinks coin in might have been. She told me "I cant give you that information..players services will give you a win / loss statement."

    Now...i know we are low level players. We are happy with a couple of free rooms now and again, and a little bit of food credit. MamaFink plays slots, and I am simply curious to see what her coin-in numbers are..thats all. Am i really not entitled to know these numbers? If Im not, I will shut up and stop asking. If i am, i want to find the person who can give them to me....

    Sorry for the wall of text...thanks for any help or direction anybody can give me...
  2. 7OutLineAway

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    Jul 23, 2016
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    New Orleans
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    I think you are entitled to the information. Is it possible that the win/loss statement they are offering has the coin in and coin out for you P&L?
  3. TopDollah

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    Aug 10, 2016
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    Mamafink here. Thank you 7outLineAway. The win/loss that I can get online only has one number and that is my "balance" for 2015. I guess it's possible player services would have more details on their report, but the people we spoke to seemed to think they didn't have access to my coin in. The slot host this afternoon really was rude and negative. I know I play a decent amount as we usually get our rooms comped, and I'm not on the bottom tier of the slot card. I'm actually close to chairman level. She just would not even to try to get us the info we requested. Thanks again for your response.

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