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Casino Altercations

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by BoostedRS, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. BoostedRS

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    Feb 9, 2016
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    I was sitting at work and was thinking for some reason about altercations or arguments I've gotten into at the casino or in Vegas.

    What's your story? Were you in the wrong? If you don't have one have you seen any or been in the middle of one at a table?

    I remember I was at my at the time local (Horseshoe Indiana) with 2 of my friends. We were playing blackjack and I decided to move tables and play heads-up with the dealer. I move a table over and play for a bit by myself. Then comes this guy and his Jersey shore look alike buddy. As soon as he sat down I knew he as an pompous obnoxious prick.

    We play for awhile and he's making comments and telling me how to play etc. I told him when he sat down bc the first thing he said was I hope you know how to play and went on. I told him I don't hit 16 vs a 7 or 8 and that's the only thing I don't do by the book. He gave me a lecture and I let it go in one ear and out the other.

    I get 16 and and stick to my guns. He also has one and takes a hit. He busts, dealer ends up busting, I win. He starts jawing. I try to ignore him until the same thing happened. I am bout 3/4ths drunk at this point so then I start laying into him and basically tell him to go F himself and I don't give a shit what he says or has to say. It ends up an arguing match between him and I. My friends then come over who are pretty tall guys to make sure nothing crazy goes on. So both of them are laying into me and say the RL shirt I have on probably came from a thrift store or something. Then I go back and say my watch is probably worth more then his car. He's just belligerent and keeps cussing at me and insulting me.

    I end up cashing out bc of my buddy's not wanting anything crazy to happen. I am drunk by that point and he says something smart and I decide to sit back down and put a couple grand on the table to buy back. He then tries to use his 7 star card to try and get me not play at the table. I show my Diamond card his is bigger but I've gambled plenty at this casino. The pit boss asks if I mind to play at another one since we weren't getting along etc. I agree... The guy at the table makes a snide comment so I decide to just lurk him and basically laugh at him as I put him on tilt and he lost all his money. He is pissed at this point and asks me to go to the parking lot etc. I'm good on that he would have probably whooped my ass. He was a big county fuck.

    Well that's my story... I don't think I was in the wrong but I egged it on. Would I take it back? Nah, no harm no foul.

    The friend calls me a week later and said he came into his work. Haha! He's an insurance adjuster so that was funny.
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  2. shifter

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    The Chairman
    The Chairman

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Trips to Vegas:
    I got really pissed off at a dealer once. She kept telling me to sit down when I like to stand up sometimes when she's pulling the other side.

    I'm like it's fine, nobody cares. And she says emphatically, no it's NOT fine.

    I'm like you've gotta be kidding me. This is ridiculous. I'm like fuck this I'm out of here. We were doing well too but she just fucked up the vibe.
  3. shifter

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    The Chairman
    The Chairman

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Oh but the real story is when they tried to kick me out of MGM Detroit. Literally kick me out of the property.

    I'll have to write that up when I have time.
  4. BoostedRS

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    Feb 9, 2016
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    Love to hear the MGM story. I haven't had many of those, haha.

    I've had a few dealers who were awful. The last trip I asked the pit boss my avg bet and it was about right maybe a tad high and the dealer told her a different number that was lower. I was like you gotta be kidding me? I was even tipping him pretty well. I think he was in a bad mood bc there were like 3 girls at the table and we were all taking shots and one was getting sloppy. Basically giving me lap dances at the table and spilling shit. I told the dealer you know I'm not tipping you now, right?
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  5. DaaaaaaBears

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    Feb 8, 2016
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    The worst kind of dealers are the kind that don't when it's a good idea to shut the fuck up.

    I played with a dealer at CP one time kept making snide comments every time I would lose a hand and kept telling me how great things were when he first started there and how bad they were now. Finally I had enough and just kept chain smoking and blowing smoke directly back into his face. I'm not sure what I did to set him off, but he was an asshole. I started slow playing every hand to piss him off. He looked like what you would expect a mobster from the 80's to look like, complete with a fake tan, white chest hair and a fat gold chain. I have never been so close to a physical altercation with an employee. I figured the night was going to end with me being kicked out, but his shift ended or he was moved and all was good from that point. I never blame bad cards on a dealer, but bad dealers can really intensify the experience of losing.
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  6. BoostedRS

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    Feb 9, 2016
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    Sounds like the worst. I had one last time in Vegas that was horrible as well. I kept calling cards out for her to have and she kept say thing the card aren't going to change. It was my way to have fun as I was drunk and winning. Let me have my fun. I wanted to throat chop her. I then pulled your card... I fired up a Churchill Montecristo and smoke that bitch for 2 hours.
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  7. 6Mermaids

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    Feb 8, 2016
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    Ten years ago I was playing poker at my local. A guy I had never played with before went all in on a hand with me and I won. He had one chip left in front of him and the dealer told him it was mine so he threw it as hard as he could at my boob. I was ordering breakfast from the waitress so I was not looking at him and didn't realize he was throwing a chip at me. It hurt...and it caught me off guard...and it freaked me out...and I did the worst thing a woman can do in a card room- I started crying. :cry::eek:

    Two guys at the table started getting into it with him because it was so uncalled for. The floor came and he was kicked out of the casino. It was a really ugly experience.

    The Friday after this happened I was going to dinner at a place close to my house and I went to valet my car- only to find the valet was the guy that threw the chip at me. :nailbiting: I didn't know what to do but I was already there and there were cars in back of me and in front of me so I had to get out of the car and let him park it. I worried the whole dinner that he was going to do something to me or my car when I went to get my car back. But he didn't. He was actually very polite and nice to me. I was polite to him and tipped him just like I would any other valet. But it was a very strange experience for sure.
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  8. vegasmacker

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    Feb 4, 2016
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    Canada Eh!
    Trips to Vegas:
    Only had one in Vegas and that was at the front desk of Paris. I had booked a premiere red room through Hunter the VMB host. Got to the front desk and they try to downgrade me to a classic room. Well this is the weekend I was proposing to my now wife and I wasn't going to let that happen. I tried to be calm and nice, but this lady basically told me I was only platinum and over comped etc. So I asked for a manager. So she denies it at first and I just look at the agent beside who's watching and asked them to call a manager. The manager comes and I explain the situation, stating she had said no when I asked for a manager etc. She literally denies the whole thing and I ask the manager to get her to step away. She does and I point to the next agent and he says that what I was saying is true.

    Manager was good basically stated they had too many people that were paying rack or diamond players, she upgraded me to a corner mini suite with no view. The room wasn't ready for an hour, we went and played my free play. Wife was pissed I wouldn't check my bag, little did she know there was a ring worth thousands in it. Went to pick up keys and agent there says I see you're in a corner suite? I said yes unless you can get me back in my red room fountain view room I had booked. She looked for 15 seconds in her computer and said that shouldn't be an issue at all! Enjoy your weekend sir!
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  9. vegasmacker

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    Feb 4, 2016
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    Canada Eh!
    Trips to Vegas:
    @Gaggles and I have had a couple experiences in Laughlin. CET is always sending mailers for free chartered flights so who are we to say no.

    The first story we were at Aquarius and 3 of us were at bar. All us were winning, it was literally raining premium quads. Lots of high fives, cheering not really any swearing. It's 3am in a Laughlin casino we were the only people at this bar and there was only 2 tables going in the pit. You could literally shoot a cannon off and not hit anyone. The bartender is continually giving us shit, making it sound like a 3rd party is calling him to tell us to be quiet. After the third time I had enough, I said were not being obscene and you're just being an asshole, who keeps telling us to calm down? He points to the pit and said the pit boss so be quiet or you're out of here. We all cash out healthy profits and walk to our buddy playing by himself at a table in the pit.

    He is playing 2 hands at $300 a hand and is up $5k. We tell him what's going on and say there pit boss is trying to make us quiet down and were leaving. Pit boss is shocked and says he will call the bar and tell them to let us do whatever we want. Goes on a rant about what a little chicken shit the bartender is that he didn't call at all etc. Our buddy is like well too late now, color me up. As we were cashing tickets the security shift manager approaches us and tells us that nothing came from his department and that the bartender has been reprimanded. Offered us some comps etc. Buddy with $5k says nope too fucking late. Turns out he just wanted and out to cash out with his winning. He saw it and was taking it lol.

    Same trip gaggles and I were playing VP in same area in Harrahs but around the corner from each other. We were both winning and jarring at each other when we hit something. It was late again and all the blue hairs had gone to bed. Security guard comes by and tells me if you don't be quiet you're outta here. I looked and said were not swearing are you really gonna kick out a platinum and a diamond player out of an empty casino for winning? He looks at my card and then walks around the corner...I here gaggles yell HEY! Then security guard comes back and said sorry sir do whatever you want as long as you're not swearing. Turns out he had walked over and pulled gaggles card out of his machine to check it.
  10. BoostedRS

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    Feb 9, 2016
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    It's funny how being a premium tier can get you out of situations or you can get away with more right? My friend was in the wrong and being a complete clown at Drais a few years ago and he got kicked out. Their treatment toward him and I completely changed when we said we were both Diamond.

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