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Are Bed Bugs in Vegas Hotels ?

Discussion in 'General Vegas Talk' started by Hugo Hackenbush, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. Hugo Hackenbush

    Hugo Hackenbush
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    Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Trips to Vegas:
    you are hilarious. Ever think of politics as a career for yourself...... you tell it straight with no BS....... We need politicians like you Breeze.
  2. Hoofy7

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    AKA HeatherE

    May 23, 2016
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    Bed bugs can be carried on any person into any hotel no matter how classy a joint it is. Hell the UPS man can bring in a package into a home and drop off a bed bug at his next place of delivery. Bed bugs do not discriminate between a shit hole home or hotel or a mansion and a world class resort. They use heat to treat the rooms when there is a sighting of one or more. It's like lice. You don't have to be a scumb that never bathes to get it. When you stay in a hotel it's a slim chance you take but it's the same risks we all take getting on that plane to Vegas. Everytime we visit Las Vegas and every table and slot machine is filled with people and the casinos are so packed you have to maneuver through crowds to get anywhere I always say to myself," Everyone complains they have no money and things are so tough financially in the US, but when I see all these people throwing money away I think the US is doing far better than most!"
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